Saturday, May 20, 2006

The media is the message

In the space of less than one year we have seen the advance of a new form of communications technology, the vlogcast. As most people reach for their Ipod the new video Ipod has allowed informed, and not so informed, users to watch the machinations of others in trying to decipher what the world has to offer on a variety of subject matters. If Marshall McLuhan were alive he would certainly point to the Gutenberg Galaxy as the archetype of such a "revolution". However the underlying message remains "who cares?"


James H.


Unknown said...

hi, i saw you posted over at Jorge Garcia's blog, what is the fuselage, its a wonderful board, its the official board for the creative team behind LOST, Jorge very generously answers fans question there all the time in his VIP section, feel free to check it out, its the best LOST board out there, the site is down at the mo, due to unforeseen circumstances, but should be up again later !!
good luck


SDS said...


Sorry to gatecrash your blog, but I noticed you were a fan of Jorge Garcia's (Lost's "Hurley") blog!!

If you are a Lost fan, you may be interested in a competition I am running where I am giving away a free t-shirt!

To enter, simply email and answer this Lost related question:

- Describe how you would have Lost Season 6 end: who will survive, who will die, and what will happen in the last scene?

More details are available at , but it really is THAT simple.

I hope this was of interest to you :)

- Chris